
Showing posts with the label crafting

Recommend cards to craft for Hearthstone

Obviously Dr Boom. Here are list of cards to craft for the hearthstone these are recommended cards worth to craft from your dust. Always try to disenchant useless cards. Holographic cards disenchants usually gives a lot more. -DRUID, almost all the best cards: keeper, starfall, druid of the claw, FON, both ancient, -HUNTER: savannah, feign death for a deathrattle deck -MAGE: ice block, echo, blastmage -PALADIN: minibot, sword of justice, coghammer, quartermaster, avenging wrath -PRIEST: silence, light of the naaru, mindgames?, auchenai, mass dispel, holy fire, lightbomb, -ROGUE: preparation, SI:7, sabotage, -SHAMAN: lightning bolt, doomhammer, ancestral call?, earth elemental -WARLOCK: power overwhelming, mistress, void terror, imp-losion, bane of doom, siphon soul -WARRIOR: shield slam, commanding shout, mortal strike, brawl, -NEUTRAL: annoy-o-tron, knife juggler, doomsayer, sunfury protector, wild pyromancer, arcane golem, acolyte of pain, BGH, spider...