
Showing posts with the label Best HearthStone Card

Hearthstone - Best Card for each Mana Cost

Best HearthStone Cards Mana Cost Here is a list of my favorite cards Mana Cost ratio Card Selection: You can grab a 20 dollar blizzard gift card below if you like this list: 0 : Innervate - Innervate more often than not does the most damage, but Prep/Circle are up there. 1 : Zombie Chow - Insane stat value for cost and dropped on turn one to trade into minions doesn't heal anything anyway. 2 : Mad Scientist - Though not every deck runs secrets, the once that do would have a MUCH harder early game without him, and people wouldn't rage about playing them quite so much. Ironbeak Owl could also contend HARD for this position. 3 : Big Game Hunter If I had to choose one, especially in this meta, it would be BGH hands down. How many decks run 1-2 of these for hard removal in this era? Destroy a big, and get a mediocre body for 3 mana... he might be easy to deal with, but he also has to be dealt with at 4 attack. The three drop is almost always...