Hearthstone - Best Card for each Mana Cost

Best HearthStone Cards Mana Cost

Here is a list of my favorite cards Mana Cost ratio Card Selection:

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0 : Innervate - Innervate more often than not does the most damage, but Prep/Circle are up there.

1 : Zombie Chow - Insane stat value for cost and dropped on turn one to trade into minions doesn't heal anything anyway.

2 : Mad Scientist - Though not every deck runs secrets, the once that do would have a MUCH harder early game without him, and people wouldn't rage about playing them quite so much. Ironbeak Owl could also contend HARD for this position.

3 : Big Game Hunter If I had to choose one, especially in this meta, it would be BGH hands down. How many decks run 1-2 of these for hard removal in this era? Destroy a big, and get a mediocre body for 3 mana... he might be easy to deal with, but he also has to be dealt with at 4 attack.

The three drop is almost always deck or class specific. Muster, Animal Companion, Divine Favor, Ice Block, Kill Command, Savage Roar, Thoughtsteal, Unleash, Flamewaker, Arcane Golem, Acolyte, Frothing Berserker, Shade, Tuskarr Totemic, Warsong, Void Terror... For straight stat value Spider Tank is up there

4 : Piloted Shredder - He might bite you in the butt from time to time, but his value is hard to ignore.

5 : Lotheb - Sludge Belcher might win in overall use in decks, and is a sticky body that is hard to remove if a person is behind. However more often then not he gets hexed, Fireballs, etc... hard removal in todays game has basically turned sludge into a 1 turn delay when drawing for your own AOE or hard removal. Lotheb almost always trades well and can delay what your opponent wanted to do, severally mess up his tempo/curve, and hold of an AOE for another turn if ahead and rushing face. He can be a game winner in more situations than Sludge, who is usually a turn delay in todays world.

6 : Sylvanas/Thaurissan - This is another slot that is usually deck specific. ET for combo decks, Sylvanas for control/midrange decks. Other cards of note are Highmane, Mysterious Challenger, Justicar, Force of Nature, Lightbomb, Blizzard... all must have cards for specific decks.

7 : Dr. Boom - As strong as he is... there are other cards that are stronger, can win more games, some can even bring you back from defeat... but there is no other 7 drop that can literally be thrown into any deck in the game... just because. There are very few neutral 7-drops, and he is head and shoulders above the other.

8 : Ragnaros - as with the 7-drop, once this high most cards are class specific. There are only three good neutrals. Sneed's can completely swing a game in the right hands/RNG but he can also lose you a game. Chromag is an ultimate winmore card. If behind he is utterly useless outside of a dragon deck, but if ahead already... he almost ensures victory... same as Kel'Thuzad.

9 : Alexstrasza - Alex wins here because her effect is unblockable. It might not always help with Warriors, but in most cases it can quickly end a game, or sometimes help bring you back from death. Ysera is amazing, but if you are behind or your opponent has hard removal... you might have paid 9 mana for a 3/5 creature or a sap... and are still behind. Other VERY strong 9-drops, but all class or deck specific.

10+ : Sea Giant - this one might be one of the most deck specific ones there is... but Sea Giant can have synergy in so many different decks, token, face, any deck that create mass minions cheap (Implosion, Muster, etc)

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