Intel NUC i5 Hackintosh Review

Build a 500 dollar MAC with i5 Intel Nuc

Intel Nuc
Wifi Card

If you want a tad cheaper regular 2.5in hard drive: SSHD

I purchased this because I had waited for the 2014 Mac Mini and was disappointed that Apple continues its relentless quest to stop consumers from upgrading their products. It's outrageous that one cannot upgrade the RAM in the new Mac Mini. When I saw that, I decided to stop giving Apple any of my money. I bought this version of the NUC (the one that can hold a 2.5 drive) because I already had a 2.5 SSD. I also had 16 GB of RAM and an old Windows 7 Professional 64 disc. That's all you need to set one of these up (i.e., a drive, RAM, and an operating system). These are extremely easy to set up. Here are a few pointers to make sure your installation process goes as smoothly as possible. First, make sure you have your hard drive properly formatted BEFORE you install it in the NUC. I didn't, and so I had to take the NUC apart to get the hard drive out so I could format it. Second, do yourself a favor and go to the Intel NUC site and download the drivers before you try to install the operating system. Intel has made this very easy by setting up a zip file that includes all the drivers in one bundle (if you prefer, you can download the drivers individually). Make sure you get the drivers for your particular NUC model. Putting the drivers on a thumb drive will make your set-up process so much easier. With an SSD (even a 2.5 one) and 16 GB of RAM, this little computer is a real screamer. It is incredibly fast and runs cool. I'm very pleased with it. Goodbye Mac Mini. You've been replaced by the NUC.

Please these little guys can double as mini server. Depends on what you want to do with your server. ;)
Geek ON!


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