
Showing posts with the label must have cards

Hearthstone Legendary Tier List

Grab Blizzard Battle.Net Prepaid Card Here Click Here To Learn More Outstanding Tier  - These cards can fit in nearly every deck: Dr. Boom - Big minion that comes with two bomb minions. Loatheb - Anti-spell card and a solid minion. Sylvanas Windrunner - Fits in all midrange/control decks. Paladin only  Tiron Fordring - This is the best minion in the game that trades well. Tier 1  - Meta dependent cards, usually great minions: Alexstrasza - Awesome in Control Warrior and Freeze Mage to swing life totals. Bloodmage Thalnos - Used in Freeze Mage and Rogue mostly for its stats. Chillmaw - Good Taunt minion and nice deathrattle for against Patron Warrior if you are playing a dragon deck. Emperor Thaurissan - Outstanding for Control Warrior and Druid's high cost cards. Gormok the Impaler - With a aggro deck with lots of minions and if you get four minions out it gives some nice tempo. Harrison Jones - Tech card that fits in all decks except Hunter, fits well in ...