Hearthstone Legendary Tier List

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Outstanding Tier - These cards can fit in nearly every deck:
Dr. Boom - Big minion that comes with two bomb minions.
Loatheb - Anti-spell card and a solid minion.
Sylvanas Windrunner - Fits in all midrange/control decks.
Paladin only Tiron Fordring - This is the best minion in the game that trades well.

Tier 1 - Meta dependent cards, usually great minions:
Alexstrasza - Awesome in Control Warrior and Freeze Mage to swing life totals.
Bloodmage Thalnos - Used in Freeze Mage and Rogue mostly for its stats.
Chillmaw - Good Taunt minion and nice deathrattle for against Patron Warrior if you are playing a dragon deck.
Emperor Thaurissan - Outstanding for Control Warrior and Druid's high cost cards.
Gormok the Impaler - With a aggro deck with lots of minions and if you get four minions out it gives some nice tempo.
Harrison Jones - Tech card that fits in all decks except Hunter, fits well in Druid, Warrior and Paladin.
Justicar Trueheart - Solid minion for midrange/control decks to help the hero power extend games.
Ragnaros the Firelord - nice filler card, but rarely used due RNG.
The Black Knight - Tech card vs. Handlock, Druid and Dragon decks.
Ysera - Good in Priest and Control Warrior to get some cards.
Mage only Archmage Antonidas - Great with spells to get lots of fireballs.
Mage only Rhonin - Good in any Mage deck and combo's well with Antonidas. You opponent will have trouble if he wants to kill your 7/7 or proc the deathrattle.
Druid only Cenarius - Great with non-Double Combo Druid deck.
Warlock only Lord Jaraxxus - Must have in Handlock to control board.
Warlock only Mal'Ganis - Awesome with Midrange Warlock Zoo to get big demons and save your hero.
Shaman only Neptulon/Al-Akir - Great with midrange Shaman for
board presence.
Priest only Vol'jin - Nice card with Dragon or Control Priest against Control decks.
Warrior only Grommash Hellscream - Game finisher for Control Warrior.

Tier 2 - Off-Meta or Non-Mandatory Cards, should keep these:
Druid only Aviana - Needs some setup, but can really swing the game in combination with big Druid cards.
Baron Geddon - Tech card for control decks vs. aggro.
Priest only Confessor Paletress - It needs some setup and is usually not a 7 drop.
Hunter only Dreadscale - Slightly better than Acidmaw since it can combo with Hunter's Mark.
Paladin only Eadric the Pure - Nice for control Paladin, especially vs Handlock.
Eydis Darkbane - Awesome in a buff Priest deck and some other decks like Buffadin.
Fjola Lightbane - Not as good as Eydis but still good with Priest and many Paladin buffs.
Leeroy Jenkins - Great charge card for Aggro Paladin and Face Hunter.
Malygos - Fun card with spells from Warlock or Shaman.
Nexus-Champion Saraad - Really RNG dependent, but good in any inspire deck.
Toshley - Decent in midrange Mage, Druid and Priest.
Warrior only Varian Wrynn - Board control and game finisher for Control Warrior, however can be board cleared and is slow.

Tier 3 - Niche cards to perhaps keep, since these rarely fit in decks:
Anub'arak - Too slow for midrange Rogue decks.
Blingtron 3000 - Everyone gets a weapon! Inconsistent in usefulness.
Paladin only Bolvar Fordragon - Can grow big over time, but slow.
Cairne Bloodhoof - four attack isn't enough to make an impact.
Captain Greenskin - Extra durability on a weapon is weak.
Rogue only Edwin VanCleef - decent for a spell heavy deck but can be silenced.
Foe Reaper 4000 - Not enough impact.
Rogue only Trade Prince Gallywix - The coins it gives to opponent are too much of a downside.
Deathwing - Dangerous to throw everything into this card.
Gazlowe - Hard to combo with it one mana spells.
Gahz'rilla - Too slow to make an impact.
Iron Juggernaut - Too slow to make an impact.
Hogger - four health is too small.
Hunter only King Krush - nine mana is too much for it.
Icehowl - It's not THAT bad, it's just not nearly good enough to replace any other 8/9/10 mana legendary.
Illidan Stormrage - five health is low and hard to combo.
King Mukla - Good for Aggro Paladin, but bad for everything else.
Lorewalker Cho - Too much of a downside.
Mekgineer Thermaplugg - Too slow to make an impact.
The Mistcaller - Fair card for midrange Shaman decks, but it takes time for it to make an impact.
Mogor the Ogre - Provides too much RNG to be a good minion.
Onyxia  - Too slow to make an impact.
Priest only Prophet Velen - Slow card that makes it hard to generate enough of an impact.
Skycap'n Kragg - Only good for Pirate decks.
Sneed's Old Shredder - Too slow to make an impact.
The Skeleton Knight - You can get decent value of him in the right deck and the right RNG.
Troggzor the Earthinator - Generally too slow to make an impact.
Wilfred Fizzlebang - RNG dependent and Emperor Thaurissan is better.

Tier 4 - Unplayable cards, only keep if you want a full collection:
Hunter only Acidmaw - Too weak of a minion and costs too much.
Bolf Ramshield - Any taunt minion is usually better.
Mage only Flame Leviathan - Kills your board randomly.
Hemet Nesingwary - Too expensive to only kill Beasts.
Gruul - Too slow when compared to other Legendaries.
Druid only Malorne - Too slow and it goes to deck instead of card.
Millhouse Manastorm - Allows your opponent to cast spells for free.
Mimiron's Head - Too slow to get the special minion.
Nat Pagle - Too slow and costs too much for what it gives.
Nozdormu - Too slow and it affects you too much.
The Beast - Too slow and gives opponent a minion.

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