1000 Grit and 6000 Grit Japanese Knife Sharpener Review

Japanese Knife Sharpener Review

This wet stone is great for typical knife sharpening and polishing maintenance. It is especially good if you have a great set of knives that you want to maintain, like Henckels, Wusthof, Shun, etc.

First soak in water for 5 minutes before using it to sharp the particles is what helps the knife get sharp.

For typical knife sharpening maintenance, you first sharpen on the 1000 grit side, followed by some honing & polishing on the 6000 grit side.

Alternatively, you can skip the 6000 grit side and hone the knife on your steel rod instead. However, the 6000 grit gives the knife blade a polish that cannot be matched by the rod.

Note that this stone will not fix damaged knife blades. This stone is also not good for dull knives; I recommend sharpening a dull knife on 240 grit first, followed by sharpening on 1000 grit, then a hone & polish on 6000 grit (or hone on your steel sharpening rod).

If you are not concerned with polishing your knife blade, then skip the 6000 grit and get a dual-sided whetstone with 240 & 1000 grits instead.


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